About Worship
We believe worship is about God, and that everyone deserves a dedicated time and space to be able to focus on their relationship with God. We invite you to lay all burdens and distractions at the foot of the cross when the service begins in order to get the most out of your worship experience, and to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Houma First United Methodist Church’s worship is centered around singing, praying, preaching, and Holy Communion. Every week you come, you can expect to hear a message of hope, and to partake in Holy Communion. We believe in an Open Table, which means all who love Jesus and wish to partake in the sacrament are welcome to come–you do not have to be a member of this church or of any church to take Holy Communion. We also have gluten free elements available, if desired.
Join us for worship at our new time, 10 am inperson or online.